31 de marzo de 2019

Email al Dr. Keith, el nuevo Hitler

Edward Teller put pressure on the US government during the Cold War, and then, for the country to get strong, besides being one of the fathers of the H-bomb. Pressing to investigate WMD, weapons of mass destruction (something remove genocidal). Teller took Wood as his right hand. And his research in geoengineering has always been WMD. David Keith (you) admits that he met Wood at a conference on global warming. the circle is complete. You call it global warming, but you think about genocide and weapons of mass destruction
Please, see clockwork climate, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5877198/

Regars to the new Hitler, the Dr. Keith!!

Email enviado esta misma mañana.
Saludos a todos los libres pensadores.

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